Monday, September 28, 2015

TMC4 Call for Papers

Canadian Scholarly Research and Profession Writing Regarding School Libraries in Canada

Treasure Mountain Canada is pleased to announce the fourth biannual TMC symposium to be held in partnership with the Ontario Library Association in Toronto during the OLA Super Conference in January 2016. Special pricing arranged by OLA will enable delegates to attend TMC4 and extend their conference experience at preferred rates. Full information and registration will be available on the Super Conference website in early October.

Treasure Mountain Canada is a participatory learning experience designed to bring researchers and practitioners together to discuss and debate current Canadian research and scholarly writing which impacts on the role of school libraries vis-à-vis educational strategy and transformation. Papers and work from previous TMC experiences are archived for viewing and study at:

The first Treasure Mountain Canada, held in Edmonton in 2010, focused on “Transforming Canadian School Libraries to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Learners”. In Ottawa in 2012 the focus became Learning for the Future: Working Towards Revised National Standards for School Libraries in Canada. In Victoria in 2014 the focus was the launch of the CLA document Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada. TMC4 in Toronto will focus on deeper implementation of the National Standards, and evidence that the standards are making an impact on teaching and learning in Canada.

The goal of TM Canada is to make the school library a key area of academic debate. At this time, the TMC4 planning committee is pleased to extend an invitation to teacher-librarians and educators across the country for papers for the fourth publication which will be one of the essential resources for the January symposium. We suggest either teacher-research and/or academic research related to the theme and strands:

Theme: Growing Impact of Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Libraries in Canada
  • Co-teaching for Deeper Learning
  • Innovation for Learning
  • Building a Learning Community
We recognize the outstanding contributions so many of you are making to teaching and learning in Canada. Your work needs to be recognized by the greater education community – and documented, so that it can become part of the debate. Papers will be peer reviewed and posted online for study prior to the symposium. A checklist of specific requirements for papers is included below, and a handy guide for teacher-librarians new to action research is attached. Papers are required by January 4, 2016. Please send to:

For planning purposes, please let us know if you hope to submit a paper. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this initiative further contact Carol Koechlin by email or by phone 416 751 0889, or contact any member of the planning committee. Watch for more details coming soon regarding the TMC4 program and registration information on the OLA Super Conference site and in the next issue of SLiC (School Libraries in Canada). 

Planning Committee for Treasure Mountain Canada TMC4

Carol Koechlin, Library Program Consultant, Speaker, Author - email
Anita Brooks Kirkland, Consultant, Libraries & Learning – email
Liz Kerr, School Library Advocate - email
Jeanne Conte, OSLA President, Instructional Coordinator/Educational Librarian Curriculum and Instruction Support Services - email
Cindy van Wonderen, Co-Moderator for Voices for School Libraries Network,TDSB Instructional Leader - email
Jo-Anne Gibson, Co-Moderator for Voices for School Libraries Network Teacher Librarian, Manitoba – email
Professor David V. Loertscher , School of Library and Information Science, San Jose State University - email 

Checklist for TM Canada Papers

If print format: 

  • Approximately 1500-3000 words in length 
  • Digital MS Word document - Arial 12 point 
  • Single spaced and visuals (e.g. charts and graphs) embedded
  • References in any standard format 
  • Short biography of writer, about 200 words plus a digital photo would be appreciated 
  • Permissions, if previously published 
  • Alternative media formats such as websites and video are also welcome. 
  • Papers are needed by January 4, 2016. 
Note: Papers will be peer reviewed. Copyright to remain with the writer.

Questions about submissions should be directed to Carol Koechlin

Publication Editor:  Professor David V. Loertscher.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Announcing TMC4!

Planning for Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) 2016 is underway! TMC is a school library research symposium and think tank. Researchers, writers, leading thinkers and practitioners come together every second year to highlight, analyse, debate and study current research and scholarly authorship to promote continuous improvement in school librarianship in Canada.

Download Leading Learning
Theme: Growing Impact of Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada

This theme will explore: co-teaching for deeper learning, innovation for learning, and building a learning community.

We are thrilled to be partnering with the Ontario Library Association Super Conference for this fourth TMC symposium and think tank. Special pricing will allow you to attend both TMC and the OLA Super Conference for a truly outstanding learning experience! OLA member rates are being extended to all TMC delegates.

Download the TMC / Super Conference flyer.

Visit the TMC website for information about previous TMC events. 

 OLA Super Conference 2016