Friday, January 31, 2020

Kickoff Challenge from Carol Koechlin

Our kickoff challenge from Carol Koechlin is to consider answers to the following questions and share in-person tomorrow or on Twitter using #TMCanada2020

What is your 2020 vision for your national school library group?  

What would you like to see happen further with Leading Learning, now five years old?  

What would really help you, your schools, and your districts?

What would you like to see from the Canadian School Libraries Journal?


  1. Awards are a must. These draw new people into CSL. Maintain research portal and CSL online journal. An academic presence is important. Encourage university programs to use Leading Learning in their programs. Newly trained teacher-librarians need to be familiar with it. I wonder how the financial model by donation only is going? I like how it is currently set up but is it sufficient.

    1. Thank you for your comments. Regarding infusion of Leading Learning in TL training, we did a bit of research in 2018 and retrieved positive responses from four university TL programs. The results are published in a CSL Journal article I think we have depend on provincial and territorial school library groups to take the lead on this through their education networks. We would also love to see information and training for pre-service teachers on how they can make good use of their school library professional staff, resources, spaces and programs. Open to hearing everyone's ideas on how to make that happen.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Such an important aspect of the work we do, as our jobs evolve we need to involve everyone including preservice teachers. I have connected with our education faculty supervisor and when we have practicum students in our building they plan and teach at least one lesson/unit (depending on length of practicum) with me, the teacher-librarian. I feel the Co-teaching part is such an important aspect of our job. I am hoping to have this model move to other schools however becomes problematic when TL’s are not in their building everyday. 😞

  2. Awards are a must. These draw new people into CSL. Maintain research portal and CSL online journal. An academic presence is important. Encourage university programs to use Leading Learning in their programs. Newly trained teacher-librarians need to be familiar with it. I wonder how the financial model by donation only is going? I like how it is currently set up but is it sufficient.

    1. TM Canada should be maintained every two years. We need an academic national presence. Just wondering how we can encourage more school libraries outside Ontario to become involved.

    2. Yes! I know I will be sharing the wealth of information here with colleagues in B.C. Is there a 2022 location and theme announced yet? Maybe outside of Ontario? My goal is to build capacity for this event.

    3. Thank you for your enthusiasm for TMC. We have been able to hold a TMC symposium every two years. All the events and papers are archived here We have confirmed that TMC7 will be held in Vancouver so that will make you happy Lorraine. Exact locations dates etc. will be worked out in the next few months so stay tuned. CSL are always working to build networks in every province and territory in Canada. We would love to see more school library associations partner with us in our work.

    4. Yay!! Wonderful news. I am our LSA president (Victoria) and sit on the exec for the BCTLA, I am thrilled to build networks with you.

  3. Keeping Leading Learning an accessible, living document is important so schools and divisions can access it easily.

    1. Absolutely, that was our promise when we took over publication on the website. Leading Learning must be a living document. Over the 5 years since first published by CLA our very small committee have added hundreds of new "See it in Action" exemplars. We check and fix links and add new exemplars and content about twice a year. I would love to have more school library professionals on our committee looking for new exemplars. Please let me know if you are interested.

  4. Agree with others that maintaining focus on creating and sharing research is very important.
    Encourage partnerships for action research between District Coordinators and individual Faculties of Education and Academic Librarians.

    Satellite sites and teams for other regions to have simultaneous TMCs to increase national participation.

    1. Good ideas Peggy as always. Thinking about the potential of holding simultaneous TMCs in other regions at the same time. We do bring in virtual speakers so with the much improved video conferencing platforms available today we should consider experimenting. Let's keep thinking.....


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