TMC7 Hunter-Mogg & Canas

Collaborative Inquiry: Developing French Language in the LLC

by Andrea Hunter-Mogg & Kristine Canas

This paper explores the collaborative experience between teacher-librarian, classroom teacher, administration, and school community over the 2021/2022 school year, with the aim to lead learning forward while reinforcing the necessity of TL’s role in future ready schools. One of the focus questions for the author’s research is, how does an inclusive Makerspace environment help develop transferable language acquisition skills? Discover how French oral communication skills improved through collaborative work in the library learning commons.

Andrea Hunter-Mogg (she/her) is a teacher-librarian at a dual track, French Immersion, elementary school in SD38 Richmond (BC). A graduate of Simon Fraser University she holds degrees in Archaeology and Education with a focus on Indigenous ways of knowing and holistic approaches to systems change. Inspired by the Stanford she’s passionate about designing dynamic spaces where students feel safe to explore, experiment and innovate. Follow her on Twitter @Gilmore_LLC


Kristine Canas (she/her) is a 6/7 French Immersion teacher in the Richmond School District. She completed her undergraduate and graduate studies in French Language and Literature at the University of Western Ontario. After working abroad in the Ariège region of France, she was inspired by the culture and different educational system. In 2018, she moved to Vancouver to pursue her B.Ed. at UBC. Kristine has a genuine thirst for knowledge and continues to share her passion for the French language and culture within her district and at large. Follow her on Twitter @mmkc10

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  1. Andrea and Kristine,
    Your paper indicates that data/evidence matters. It matters a lot! Your student surveys really helped inform your decisions. I was unfamiliar with the Neurolinguistic Approach, so thank you for introducing it to me and to other readers like me. It's great that the SLLC is the place where it's comfortable to make mistakes and work on engaging projects that advance learning. How important is it for the TL to be a French speaker in this approach?
    Diana M

  2. Ideally having a bilingual TL in a bilingual school would be a priority, however, in B.C. at least, retention of French Specialists is very dificult. For this action research project we found the collaborative nature of two adults modeling informal dialogue structure and in-situ correction helped students develop that internal grammar that is very important as the base for future learning.
    A. Hunter-Mogg

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!! You should be on national television about this major strategy.. Of course, the same thing is true of English speakers.


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