TMC7 Lyons

Larkspur LLC Year End Report 2020-2022 

by Beth Lyons

The 2020-2022 school years were marked with a great deal of change, upheaval and constant re-imagining of the system for all of the community members involved in education. COVID restrictions, online learning, closed classrooms and re-adjusting to a return to in-person learning for the majority of our students and staff took precedence over everything. As we worked to re-imagine what the Larkspur LLC might be in this “new normal” we constantly looked to ensure that we were centring the needs of students and their families. We reflected on our collection curation, choice of books for read alouds and maker materials to provide “mirrors, windows and doors” (Sims Bishop) for both students and educators as they interacted within the library space, both in-person and virtually. It is my hope that the Larkspur LLC and the library programming provided an opportunity for growth, for reconnection and most of all, joy.

Beth Lyons is a mom, a wife, and a reader who loves to be outside. She is an educator who has taught in classrooms from Grade 3 to Grade 8 and spent the last 5 years as a teacher librarian in the Peel District School Board. She has returned to the classroom as she believes all pedagogical practice should be rooted in classroom experience. Beth is passionate about inquiry-based learning and cultivating a maker mindset with learners. She reflects and shares about her own learning journey as an educator and a teacher-librarian on her blog The Librarian’s Journey and on Twitter (@MrsLyonsLibrary).  Currently, Beth is serving as Ontario School Library Association (OSLA) President, is a contributor to both The Teaching Librarian Magazine and the Canadian School Libraries Journal, and is the host for the podcast Read Into This (@into_read). 

Read the Report.


  1. Beth,
    Thank you for sharing this interactive, joyful document. It is such a testimony to the work poured into the school via the SLLC with you at the helm. I know I've been inspired to modify categories from your annual report to improve my own (infographic love! power of stories!) and it has proved to be a wonderful example to many others in the field. (Way to set the bar high, m'dear!) Is there anything you'd change about this creation or who you shared it with?

    1. I wish for this last one I had been able to finish it before the end of the school year so I could walk through it with the new TL. I love being able to hyperlink other artifacts from throughout the year. I wish I had done that in earlier reports.

  2. If you are at TM7, I would like to interview you for alivelibraryinfo

    1. Unfortunately, I won’t be there in person. Could we set up a virtual meeting at another time?

  3. Beth, I think you know I'm a fangirl especially when it comes to your reports and your work on the virtual learning commons. I've been preaching about accountability for a long time. What I love about your annual report is that everything is based on learning goals. There are no metrics for the sake of metrics. You report on how you have accomplished clear goals, and the annual report will inform future directions. Honestly, this level of documentation, based on a cycle of planning, executing, and reporting, should be a part of every program.

  4. To be honest, I shared my reports with admin each year but they didn’t very say much beyond “That’s great.” The wider LLC audience always seemed to have more to comment and provide feedback on. I wish more people did them (or at least shared) so we could see the year long story of an LLC as an artifact of goal setting and growth.

  5. Hi Beth! I enjoyed reading your report and the awesome work you are doing at your school! Well done! I do budget reports for my heads of school on a yearly basis and it truly makes a difference. I share analytics constantly which also helps along with monthly meetings with my Heads of School.

  6. Beth, knowing your work as you regularly publish on social media and in your blog is one thing -- but to see it all here together at once is such a bountiful tribute to the goals you have for literacy, access and equity. Your passion for your work is so evident in the details and quality of each one of your projects. I think you're ready to write that book. I'd buy the first copy if you'd let me.

  7. Beth, LOVED everything about this report: the content, the format, and the ideas shared within. Thank you for all you do for the Ontario Library world!


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