TMC7 Mulcaster

A Curation Journey: Connecting Digital Learning Resources

by Melanie Mulcaster, with Iniyal Inparajah

Intensified by the pandemic, teacher-librarians face a more rapidly occurring shift to curating digital resources and connecting them with learners.  The authors of this paper share their journey in this work as it reflects key Leading Learning standards and equity informed selection, so resources are accessible for all learners and their preferred modalities, as they embark on and provide background to their new roles at TVO Media Education Group in Ontario.

Melanie Mulcaster is on secondment to TVO as an Instructional Liaison. She is the Coordinator for School Library Learning Commons and the Professional Library with the Peel District School Board in Ontario, and member of the Ontario School Library Association Council. A life long learner and maker, she is passionate about inspiring and empowering modern learners to discover, connect, innovate and explore. On Twitter, she is @the_mulc.

Read the paper. 


  1. Melanie and Iniyal,
    I really liked how your paper started off - with your "what we are all about", so to speak. Having this mission statement (do we still call them that) makes your purpose crystal clear. Those six questions on page 2 packed a punch. I love that you mention Zaretta Hammond and Gholdy Muhammad - I read Hammond's book and am in the process of reading Muhammad's - and it's sweet I get a mention, even though I borrowed the phrase crisitunity from The Simpsons ;>.

    I have benefitted from the curated content of TVO in many ways and I often flabbergast myself (is that a term or possible?) when I forget to turn to TVO resources when on the hunt for materials to recommend to my colleagues. Other than working for, or having friends that work for, TVO, how do we remind ourselves to search there vs a quick Google search or TPT for useful teaching materials?
    Diana M

  2. This strategy begs for formal research studies and case studies of actual cotaught learning experiences between teacher librarians and classroom teachers as they embed. these kinds of resources in deep learning experiences. what happens to the learning? to the learners? and, to sustainability across the curriculum.

  3. TVO -- what a wonderful and ongoing treasure chest!

  4. Melanie, I love your approach to digital resource curation and creating virtual learning environments. Your work on "Bringing the LLC Home" at the beginning of the pandemic was so influential, and so many emulated it. (If you don't know about this, read Melanie's article in CSL Journal:

    One thing that I think all of us need to learn about virtual environments is UDL and accessibility - in Ontario AODA. Time for us to make these environments inviting and useful for everyone.

  5. Dear Melanie, thank you so much for meditating aloud on the purpose and direction of your work. In joining the team just since September, the integrity of our resources has never been in question. I am excited to see how the feedback from the communities you serve changes the next iteration of TVOLearn. I wonder if we could adapt some of the choices Joseph Jeffery outlined in his paper to make the interface more dynamic and user-curated. Thank you for having the initial talk with me about literacy development and for bringing me into the fold. Being one of the teacher-librarians for the whole province is really exciting.


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