Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Think you're not a researcher? Think again!

Teacher-Librarian and Action
Researcher Diana Maliszewski.
The TMC2016 Call for Papers was issued recently, and chances are there are quite a few people wondering how they, as practising teacher-librarians, could possibly write a research paper worthy of submission. Toronto teacher-librarian extraordinaire Diana Maliszewski may be just the person to reassure you, and give you confidence to share your own action research.

Diana is no stranger to research, and understands how it is closely linked to her life as a teacher-librarian. We are so very fortunate that Diana reflects on her practice through her wonderful blog, Monday Molly Musings, and initiates conversations with her wider professional learning network through Twitter as MzMollyTL.

The reality is that teacher-librarians integrate research into practice every day. The whole process of teaching is research in action: using feedback and assessment data to evaluate the efficacy of a particular approach and adjusting practice accordingly.

If you are contemplating writing a paper for TMC2016 but are unsure of how to proceed, then Diana's Monday musing from October 12, 2015 is a must-read. Please check it out!

Monday Molly Musing (October 12, 2015): Treasure Mountain Canada 4 - Return to Small Scale Researching

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