Friday, May 30, 2014

Table Talk, Round One

Table Talks are a highlight of the TMC experience. This is not an event focused on talking heads! In this first round of table talks, three people who submitted papers facilitate a discussion about their particular topics. Participants in TMC rotate to participate in two out of the three discussions for each time frame. Me? I'm eavesdropping, and pointing you to the presenters' papers for further exploration.

Here are the presenters and papers for this round:

Marc Crompton: Personal Learning Environments: A Catalyst for Student Ownership of Learning

Peggy Lunn: Ontario's Faculty of Education Librarians: A (Still) Untapped Resource for School Library Advocacy

Monica Berra: Building a District Learning Commons

TMC participants are listening through the lens of the Leading Learning theme, Facilitating Collaborative Engagement to Cultivate and Empower a Community of Learners.

Anita Brooks Kirkland

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